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Have you read these Mississippi “classics”? Fill in the type of word below to see your favorites transformed!

1. As I Lay __________ by William Faulkner (-ing verb)

2. The __________ and the Fury by William Faulkner (noun)

3. The Optimist’s __________ by Eudora Welty (noun)

4. A __________ Named Desire by Tennessee Williams (noun)

5. Roll of __________, Hear My __________ by Mildred Taylor (noun, noun)

6. Cat on a/an __________ Tin __________ by Tennessee Williams (adjective, noun)

7. The Secret __________ by Donna Tartt (noun)

8. Can’t __________ You, Baby by Ellen Douglas (verb)

9. The Runaway __________ by John Grisham (noun)

10. Crimes of the __________ by Beth Henley (noun)

11. Native __________ by Richard Wright (noun)

12. This is My __________ by Margaret Walker Alexander (noun)

13. North Towards __________ by Willie Morris (place)

14. The __________ in the Piazza by Elizabeth Spencer (noun)

15. The __________ Gentleman by Walker Percy (adjective)

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